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Saturday, February 4, 2017

Trump gets the 'F-35' at a competitive price

Trump gets the 'F-35' at a competitive price

The White House announced that President Donald Trump, reached an agreement with the company "Lockheed Martin" to buy fighter jets from the fifth-generation aircraft "F-35" at a lower price than before.

He informed the White House spokesman, Sean Spicer, journalists on Friday February 3, the deal includes the purchase of 90 aircraft with lower prices by 8% at a price of approximately $ 8.5 billion, which means an amount of US $ 728 million to taxpayers in the United States compared to the deal Previous similar.

The fighter "F-35" multiple single-seat and motor functions, plus the ability to disguise the second fifth-generation fighter of America, and can be used in the infantry and Army Navy and Air alike, of the most important features for "F-35" used reagent letter scan and stealth technology and its ability of carrying nuclear warheads.

Source: Nadezhda Oniotina

Fitch Rating downgrades Tunisian debt!

Fitch Rating downgrades Tunisian debt!

This is bad news for the Tunisian economy which is still struggling to emerge from the turmoil that followed the Arab post-spring period and which was amplified by the rise of security risks.
The international rating agency Fitch Ratings, lowered the rating of Tunisia's debt on Friday. The reasons for this deterioration from BB to B +, though with a stable outlook, relate to the decline in the tourism sector and the slowdown in investment.
"The downfall of tourism in a context of high security risks, a slowdown in investment as there are frequent changes of government and strike episodes have weakened economic growth and prospects," experts Ficth in a statement widely resumed by the Tunisian media, a way to remind the authorities that the country is still far from leaving the hostel.
Economic moroseness
According to Fitch, growth in the Tunisian economy stood at 1.2% in 2016, compared with an average of 4.5% before the socio-political events of 2011. In 2017, the projected GDP growth rate is 2.3% and 2.5% in 2018, which is far from the expected momentum to boost the country's economy.
One of the reasons for this bad economic situation and which justified Fitch's decision is the sluggishness of the tourist sector, one of the main breasts of the Tunisian economy. The drop in tourist arrivals in the country has continued in recent years, although with a slower pace in recent months. Last September and over the last twelve months, the decline was 8% after a decline of 38% already registered in the first quarter of 2016.
An international recourse that is likely to be expensive

Source: La Tribune

Top 10 foods beautiful but tasteless, those it is better to just watch

Top 10 foods beautiful but tasteless, those it is better to just watch

The rise of culinary programs and the idea of ​​an all-round bistronomy contributed to spreading the idea that cooking was as much a visual matter as a gustative question. From then on, edible flowers and violet vegetables began to appear on our plates in a way appetizing as disappointing. That said, it was not necessary to wait for this trend to experience the beautiful food without taste.

1. The souffle

Golden and cracked on top, the annunciator of delicate textures and complex tastes, the soufflé is actually a flour cake consisting of 85% air and totally devoid of taste. In addition, just dip its fork so that the dish reveals its true nature by deflating. Like a souffle.

2. The pitaya (or fruit of the dragon)

Bright colors, alveolate flesh and flamboyant exterior, the pitaya typically has a head of stuff that one would like to swallow all at once. Pity ; To use, it has above all a taste of nothing, vaguely sweet.

3. The Surimi

If one puts aside the idea of its constitution, the stick of surimi, orange outline and crenellated forms, is of great beauty. Problem: when one bites into it, one quickly recalls that in the absence of mayonnaise, its taste recalls Swiss neutrality.

4. Ice cubes

It is magnificent, an ice-cube; That consolidated water by which the colors and the forms deviate, the delicate oozing of the drops at the outskirts; It is magnificent an ice cube. But it's still frozen water.

5. Decorative cabbage

Or sprouts, in English. The chefs use it in all sauces to decorate dishes and salads. Its intermingling stems are of the most beautiful effect, but its flavor on the palate is close to nothing at all.

6. The farfalle

Without offending the Italian science of well-cooked dough, it must be noted that the flavor of the pasta depends essentially on their sauce. Despite their bow-tie shape, despite the visual prowess they offer, farfalles do not deviate from the rule: without butter, oil, salt, pepper, sauce, they have absolutely no taste.

Source: Wikimedia

It estimates with higher mortality due to cancer in Europe

It estimates with higher mortality due to cancer in Europe

Scientists discover that the oldest ancestor of man is like an ugly objects

Scientists discover that the oldest ancestor of man is like an ugly objects

Demonstrations in Australia against Trump

Demonstrations in Australia against Trump
