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Saturday, February 4, 2017

Demonstrations in Australia against Trump

Demonstrations in Australia against Trump

Thousands across Australia Saturday February 4 to protest against the US president Donald Trump issued an executive order prohibiting the entry of refugees, travelers from seven countries temporarily to his country.

The strained relations between the United States and Australia on Thursday 2 Cypraar / February after it received details of the phone call was characterized as severe between Trump and Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull described Trump agreement between the two countries on resettlement of refugees as "stupid."
And about a thousand people gathered in Sydney to protest against the Trump executive order regarding immigration and to demand the closure of Australia dealing with asylum seekers outside its territory in the small Pacific island of Manus, Papua New Guinea island of Nauru centers.
Similar protests were held in Canberra, Newcastle and Hobart as hundreds took part in the anti-Trump rally in Melbourne on Friday, February 3.
It is assumed under the agreement that the United States receives up to 1250 asylum seekers are living in evacuation centers in Nauru and Manus. In return, Australia will host refugees from El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras.
Trump said reluctantly that he intends to abide by the deal, but a source told Reuters on Friday that US immigration officials evacuated interviews with asylum seekers in Nauru.
In Sydney, protesters carried banners saying "tortured refugees .. Shame on Australia" and "No walls camps .. not .. not blocked."
Said protester named Beverly Vine, 62, told Reuters: "Australia should not be trying to get rid of those problems, the government considers them to the United States of America. The solution we have here."

Source: Reuters

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