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Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Scientists determine the preferred food taken daily

Scientists determine the preferred food taken daily

The human brain resolving issues required to choose food taken up many times throughout each day.

But scientists believe that it is necessary that some of these nutrients between meals daily human remains in spite of the diversity of meals and appetizers that can be attended and bought by the average consumer today's markets and shops.

Everyone usually seeks to have diversified their food. Study conducted by researchers from Cornell University in the US have shown that man makes the decisions on what shall eat and Sicherbh going to buy and where and in what quantity is more than 200 times a day on average.

US scientists said that some of the food, although advised specialists in the diet to eat a variety of foods, should be included in the daily human meals, even if it seemed that something boring.

He pointed out that the porridge oats and not of his chips is one of the most suitable types of food at breakfast, which is also up for food at noon or in the evening. It is no exaggeration to estimate the rate of grain oatmeal is better estimate because they contain very beneficial to human health small metals such as magnesium, phosphorus, calcium, zinc, selenium and vitamins of the B group and others.

This porridge is not considered Coping food fits of good health, and by, they are also suitable for those suffering from anemia and overweight problems in the paths of the stomach and intestines, and the weakness in the activity of the heart.

The researchers believe that the eggs other food fit to eat daily because recent studies have denied previous considerations about the fit of cholesterol in excessive quantities. Scientists confirm that the eggs regularly secures Keeping fit and strengthen the mental health and memory capacity and eating.

US scientists also concluded that it is necessary to enter the sour milk derivatives in human meals daily because they contain calcium and biological impurities active include microscopic plants live. It is therefore better to drink milk products such as yogurt throughout the day because they have a positive effect on digestion and strengthen immunity.

Source: Rampelr Andre Mukan

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